As we look forward to 2025 let’s take a look back at how NTAHC ended 2024. On Dec 8th, Ed and Lisa Canada opened their museum for another successful party. There were 42 in attendance
from both North Texas and the Morgan Motor Car Club.

As has been the tradition, the NTAHC provided the meats- brisket, turkey and ham while our members brought a variety of sides and desserts.

I don’t think anyone went away with an empty belly!

After everyone had their fill of savory and sweet, we moved on to the white elephant gift exchange and raffle. There wasn’t a lot of ‘stealing’ happening so I’d say some good gifts were chosen! There was wine & crackers, blankets, tools and trinkets.

2025’s Christmas Party has already been secured with date and location. We look forward to
seeing you all there!!

Stephanie Colston
NTAHC Club Secretary
North Texas Austin Healey Club